#22 2025
Have you ever found yourself searching for a great idea, only to come up empty? Inspiration can be a tricky thing — it’s unpredictable, sometimes striking out of the blue, and other times only revealing itself after dedicated effort. In the 22nd issue of our customer magazine, ATLAS, we dive into this very phenomenon. After all, "Inspiration" plays a key role in the world of logistics and mobility.
Explore Order
#21 2024
The materials used by a freight forwarder exist in the shadows. Some will have been serving for decades, defying the strain of transporting goods from A to B without a hitch - day in, day out. They are checked, optimized and undergo a process of constant evolution that balances sustainability, economic viability and safety. And so in Issue 21 of ATLAS we afford these materials a little extra attention.
#20 2024
If it makes you perspire, it's a sport - some people say. And looking at the activities people regard as sports around the world, and play at every level, that may well be the lowest common denominator. But sport is also about setting goals and pursuing challenges through to their conclusions. Much as we do in our organization, and in our customer magazine.
#19 2023
Food and Beverages
We take you on a journey through the Gebrüder Weiss countries, introducing real and perceived export hits in the food sector. Many of them are brought to store shelves and your table by Gebrüder Weiss.
Space Mission
We are moving forward towards tomorrow and new horizons. Read about our support for the SubOrbital Express 3 Space Mission in the northern Swedish town of Kiruna – in our special online issue of the ATLAS magazine.
#18 2022
This issue of our magazine is dedicated to our employees. In it, they talk about their origins, homelands, languages and hopes. Their portraits are representative of more than 8,000 Gebrüder Weiss team members who manage a process that only runs smoothly if it’s powered by passion and personal commitment: logistics.
#17 2022
Distances aren’t what they used to be. People and markets are better connected than ever, thanks in no small part to logistics. The pandemic, on the other hand, has kept us at a distance from our fellow men and women. The sociologist Hartmut Rosa expounds on this matter. We’re also featuring an article on Australia, the most distant outpost of our international network and the furthest-removed from our head office in Lauterach. A report on Kazakhstan demonstrates that, even in today’s global village, there are still uncharted territories in the world.
#16 2021
Speed is a key topic for a logistics provider. After all, speed – i.e. the delivery period – is a critical factor in the supply-chain management equation. Yet in recent years, other aspects have come to figure prominently as well: transparency and precision are now at least as important, with speed losing ground as the sole criterion. In any case, speed is very relative. What is fast? What is slow? The answers change over time and differ from person to person. That said, hardly anyone likes to be stuck in traffic. So, as our main report shows, Californians are trying to find new solutions to the mounting traffic congestion they face. Other voices in ATLAS 16 include a sprinter, a track cyclist, a motocross rider, logistics pros, a time researcher – and a Mars expert.
#15 2021
The Known
Given the enormous volumes of data that are stored and readily accessible, today we might prefer to ask: What don’t I know yet? The answer of course is: almost everything. In his interview for this issue of ATLAS, social psychologist Robert Imhoff explains that we should be less suspicious – and learn to believe others again. The best thing about ignorance is that there are so many things left to discover and experience. Not least in this issue of ATLAS. When you’ve finished reading it, you will know a lot more: about the Port of Hamburg, about errors and lessons from the past, about logistics – and about Gebrüder Weiss.
#14 2020
We yearn for consistency and familiarity. In reality, though, change is our only constant. There is always something new appearing. Like this issue of ATLAS, which is dedicated to that very subject: all things new. Everything is new at some point. It challenges us, hones our senses, and broadens horizons. What matters is how we respond. And what we make of it.
#13 2019
What people consider normal varies from generation to generation and country to country. Sharing agreed norms often makes sense and can be comforting, as this issue of ATLAS proves. What it also proves is that people can be normal, but they don’t have to be. At least not always.
#12 2019
Where do we go from here?
Given the contemporary constant change, it is all the more astonishing that some things never change. Not least, people's incessant quest for fulfillment. Where do we go from here? What have I experienced in life? And what can I consign to the past? These and other questions are asked in this issue of ATLAS, and put to members of the orange family, and to people, that we rarely get the chance to engage with.
#11 2018
Given the sad and often depressing events unfolding around the world today, hope might be considered a naive impulse. But it isn’t. It’s a virtue. Anyone seeking hope needs to put it into practice. And focus on things that inspire and foster it. That is precisely what this ATLAS is all about. We have gathered stories from each of the 30 countries where we operate – stories that open our eyes to genuine wellsprings of optimism.
#10 2018
Doing something in a specific way, not randomly. Loving something today that might well be outmoded tomorrow. That is what fashion is all about. In ATLAS 10, we talk with fashion theorist Barbara Vinken about clothing and with architect Andreas Cukrowicz about current trends in construction, while Gebrüder Weiss employees talk about fashion sins they have overcome.
#09 2017
Do you have close friends, would you want any? Could you imagine a friendship with a robot? Or even with an inanimate object? Thoughts like these have all found a place in the ninth edition of ATLAS. Famous friendships and enmities are highlighted, good business partnerships are discussed and it is shown that friendship can flourish even on difficult terrain.
#08 2017
Concentration is flexible in quality and quantity. It can be learned and improved. There are, however, situations that require our utmost attention. So we met with people whose jobs demand total concentration. We also looked at the effects of population density on cities – another form of concentration.
#07 2016
Stars, compasses and changing world views – when it comes to finding your way, there are countless aids and tools. For the seventh issue of ATLAS we have looked at situations where people choose to follow a particular direction. What did mariners use to navigate in former times? How do young people find their way today? And can’t getting lost have its benefits too?
#06 2016
very morning, there comes that point: you kick off the bedclothes, clean your teeth, begin your day. Will it be like any other day? Or will it be special? What is it, ultimately, that drives us? This sixth issue of ATL A S centres around drive and the things that drive us. Is drive more than a component that powers a machine?
#05 2015
reedom – can mean many things to you: freedom of speech, freedom of action or trade, the conquest of gravity: freedom is a great idea that is indispensable in our world today. Is life really possible without constraints? Do we really need to keep up to date on what is happening in the world? This fifth issue of ATLAS is devoted to these, and other, facets of freedom.
#04 2015
As John Donne rightly said, ‘No man is an island.’ People are embedded not only in a geographical location but in a historical context as well. They inhabit a world formed by customs and narratives that can serve as sources of inspiration and enrichment. Whether we prefer to preserve, modernise or overcome them, each of us has a unique treasure trove of traditions that shapes every single day of our lives.
#03 2014
Passion has many faces, and passionate people can be found almost everywhere. Even on our very doorstep iin the Vorarlberg region of Austria. Thus in this ATLAS we report on our inclination to regional products, to exercise and to be on the move.
#02 2014
The future really is nothing new. It has existed since the beginning of time – and we can still make something of it. In fact, we have made it a major focus of this issue of ATLAS.
#01 2013
The best means with which to combat boredom are attitude, character and personality. Where personality shines through, there is the potential for fresh curiosity about your environment – the kind of curiosity that could potentially change the world and put things in motion. It is this curiosity that makes a pioneer. That’s why the authors and photographers of ATLAS aim to describe, inform, entertain and inspire.